Build Company Culture

One of the most important steps you can take toward building a sustainable and powerful company culture is to improve your team dynamics. In turn, a healthier team dynamic is nurtured by a thoughtfully planned and executed strategy for company culture.

How I Can Help

Company Culture LAIf I’m not already working with you, we will schedule a meeting so I can gain a high-level understanding of your company’s personality and how it ties to your mission, vision, and goals. Based on this conversation, I will develop a series of questions that dive deeper into the current and envisioned ecosystem of people and process. I will then work with your team in a variety of ways that help build (or repair) company culture. If we have already been working together, then we’ll begin our conversation with any gaps in my understanding of the goals you seek to achieve and the culture you envision for your team.

As an objective participant, I help the team to:

  • Clearly communicate vision and goals to ensure alignment
  • Set expectations to prevent imbalance between the vision and values
  • Set strategies that merge this vision with company practices
  • Build or strengthen communication channels
  • Create strategies that develop or enhance team collaboration

As part of an ongoing project, I also help to:

  • Screen potential employees for functional and cultural fit
  • Develop a meaningful new hire orientation
  • Improve email communication & etiquette
  • Align company culture with customer experience
  • Coach and develop managers


Ni’coel is the kind of woman you want on speed dial when the shit hits the fan. She is powerful, generous, and was never afraid to tell me the truth, about anything. I have been continually impressed by Nicoel’s creative solutions, expansive vision, calm under pressure, quick wit, and relentless integrity.

Aaron Straight
